Pence anti gay meme

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'Someone emailed her a picture of her house, with her address,' Rob Schneiderman, Cox's union president, told the Orange County Register. She also blasted Trump as a 'white supremacist', and said Mike Pence is: 'one of the most anti-gay humans in this country'.Ī video of her comments went viral after it was posted on Facebook.Ĭox's teachers union revealed on Monday that she has received more than 1,000 emails and threatening phonecalls in the wake of the video being published. Olga Perez Stable Cox, who teaches human sexuality at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, was secretly recorded by one of her students last week calling Trump's win an 'act of terrorism'. Olga Perez Stable Cox, an instructor in Orange Coast College's psychology department, set off a firestorm of criticism for a series of comments on President-elect Donald TrumpĪ California professor who was caught on camera ranting about Donald Trump's election win has been forced to flee the state after receiving multiple death threats.

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